Brunswick Interface
Updated 3/6/2023
Yellow Dog's 1-way interface with Brunswick pulls sales data from Brunswick's XML files to reduce inventory based on transactions.
Sync Approach
Yellow Dog Inventory will pull sales from the Brunswick server via XML files.
Sync Installation
The sync can be run from any location that can access the Brunswick server, often this is the same machine.
Sync Frequency
This sync can be scheduled to run at any frequency, but a daily pull after business hours is recommended.
Any existing Brunswick items and modifiers may need to be reconfigured so that the proper item is listed in the sales information and can be mapped to reduce the correct inventory items. Yellow Dog can review your setup prior to your acceptance of the proposal to identify what you and your Brunswick team will need to do to allow our inventory system to work properly.
POS Partner
Brunswick Sync 2.2 or higher is required for this integration.
Brunswick's Yellow Dog feature must be enabled for the center in Brunswick's cloud system.
Brunswick must be configured to use Enterprise Controller Identifiers for all items to ensure that all item numbers in Brunswick are unique per item.
Yellow Dog
.net 4.6.2+ needs to be installed in the same location as the sync.
POS Partner
Provide Brunswick server and port detail.
Data Exchange and Mapping
Sales Data
Additional Information
Brunswick does not have any revenue center definitions so all sales data for a site will be applied to a single store in Yellow Dog.
We do not pull in any sales on products measured by Time, such as Bowling.
"Retail" items will need to be created in Brunswick as well as Yellow Dog (no 2-way ability).
Yellow Dog can only pull in sales data as far back as the center's Brunswick system is configured to save full transaction data.
Void lines are duplicated in Yellow Dog due to void lines being duplicated in the sales files provided.
Other Notes
Modifiers need to have an Enterprise ID assigned to them in Sync in order to appear in Yellow Dog.