
Last Update 9/08/2020


Yellow Dog’s 1-way interface with Rpower pulls sales transactions from Rpower to deplete inventory via Rpower’s API.

Sync Approach

Yellow Dog’s Rpower Sync will pull sales transactions from RPower’s v1 API via a sync application.

The sync can be installed from any location that can access the RPower API. Typically this will be installed on the Yellow Dog server.

Sync Frequency

The Yellow Dog Inventory sync can be run at any customized frequency. By default this will be set up to run hourly.



The client will need to match the stores in Yellow Dog to the revenue centers in RPower.

POS Partner

The POS Partner is responsible for submitting a request to add new Merchant sites to the Yellow Dog Partner Profile.

Yellow Dog

Yellow Dog will need the associated Consolidation Group(s) for the client. The Yellow Dog Implementation Guide may need to email office.manager@rpower.com to obtain this ID.

The Yellow Dog client will need to be version 362 or higher.

Data Exchange and Mapping

Sales Data 

Our Sync pulls in the following transaction data from the RPower database: 

Yelow Dog Fields
Check Closed DateTime
Item Number
Item Retail
Item Discount
Employee Number
Employee Name
Transaction Number
Void Reasons
Tender (see limitation below)

Voids, Returns and Refunds:

  • Our sync handles voids, returns, and refunds based on how they impact cost.

  • Voids that impact cost will zero out the original transaction record.

  • Returns and refunds that impact cost will create a new negative transaction for the item.

  • Voids, refunds and returns that do not impact cost are ignored.

Additional Information


  1. Currently, we are not able to link a modifier back to their parent item (plate cost reporting not available).

  2. We do not pull in Discount Descriptions.

  3. RPower has the ability to select “No” and then a modifier – “No Cheddar” for example. Yellow Dog will only see “Cheddar” and if mapped, reduce this item’s on-hand. To resolve this, all combinations need to be setup as menu item. Please contact us for further clarification on this matter.

  4. "Retail" items will need to be created in RPower as well as Yellow Dog (no 2-way ability).

  5. When pulling in Tender with transactions, if a payment is split the Tender of the entire transaction number will take the payment tender of the first payment type.

Other Notes

