The following documentation compares Yellow Dog API Version 1 Items and Transactions Response Types with Yellow Dog API Version 2 Items and Transactions Response Types. The changes for Response Types involve their respective endpoints and response bodies which are categorized by effect as + Added, > Changed or - Removed 

In addition to the changes noted in Response Types, updates to the Authentication implementation is also included. 

Broad Changes 


apiVersion parameter to all endpoints 


> api v2 URL is  

> images return as URL instead of file data 

> responses are camel-cased 


APIv2 does not use the same token and Authentication strategy as used in APIv1. APIv2 implements OAuth 2.0 security, providing two types of tokens for use, Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens. Access Tokens are valid for an hour and require a usernamepassword and clientId. Refresh Tokens are valid for 30 days, can only be used once and require a refreshToken and a clientId 

For further details regarding authentication tokens, please refer to 


1. Getting All Items   

Summary of Changes to Parameters: Page and Filter parameters changed 


- WebAvailable filter option 


Page now referred to as PageNumber 

PageNumber starts at 1 

> No longer filter on WebAvailable 

> Level filter now filters one level at a time 

Items V2.PNG

2. Getting Item by Id 

Summary of Changes to Parameters: parameters added  


Filter parameter 

OrderBy parameter 

PageNumber parameter 

PageSize parameter 



> images in v2 send back link to image whereas v1 which sent back the file data  

To review the actual API, please click here.

For new integrations, please contact us at or call 757.818.9360.  We can provide you with our API Agreement and Statement of Work to certify your integration.  Also, we do charge each client a monthly access fee. or call 757.818.9360.  We can provide you with our API Agreement and Statement of Work to certify your integration.  Also, we do charge each client a monthly access fee. or call 757.818.9360.  We can provide you with our API Agreement and Statement of Work to certify your integration.  Also, we do charge each client a monthly access fee. or call 757.818.9360.  We can provide you with our API Agreement and Statement of Work to certify your integration.  Also, we do charge each client a monthly access fee.