Yellow Dog Software has various apps you can download and use in conjunction with your Yellow Dog Inventory System.

Options for On-Premise Servers

We can provide Count XL in a stand-alone (non-connected) mode to count your retail items (bar code-driven) for your physicals. This mode does not down your item catalog or validate any scans. You can store multiple sessions on the handheld and then use a USB cable to access the files and bring them into your physical.

Count XL is the only mobile app that works with an on-premise server.

Technical Aspects

Our mobile apps operate on iOS or Android devices where the apps are downloaded from the iOS App Store and Google Play App markets.

Once installed, the apps use the internet to communicate our web APIs using JWTs to authenticate the user, determine security access, and perform CRUD operations w/ the user's yellow dog inventory data.

Provided the database is hosted by Yellow Dog Software, no specific ports or firewall configuration is necessary apart from standard internet access.

For app distribution needs, we recommend using a MDM to download from iOS App Store or Google Play Store and administer the apps.


Minimum Requirements

  • Android 10

  • 3 GB RAM

  • 1.8GHz 8-core processor, 64 bits


  • 4 GB RAM

Recommended Devices



Minimum Requirements

  • iOS 13+