
The integration with eGrowcery supports a 2-way integration in which Yellow Dog pulls sales files and pushes item files to eGrowcery via a FTP location.

Sync Approach

This sync uses an FTP location, provided by eGrowcery to push item files and pull sales.

Sync Frequency

eGrowcery only picks up the item file and populates the sales file once per day between 1 and 5 am so the sync will need to by configured to run during that time.

If the sync is run more than once int he same day, the existing file will be replaced with the latest.


eGrowcery will need to be configured to look at the IsActive flag to determine which items are active/inactive.

If you will also be using another integration connected to the same store in Yellow Dog that is connected with eGrowcery please consult your Implementation Guide as additional settings may need to be enabled for weighted items.



The client will need to provide the eGrowcery store name and tax levels being used to Yellow Dog.

POS Partner

eGrowcery will need to provide the FTP location and credentials where they will post daily sales files and where Yellow Dog will populate the item file.

Yellow Dog

Yellow Dog will need to create a Working Folder for the sync.

Data Exchange and Mapping

Sales Data

Yellow Dog pulls in the following sales data from eGrowcery:

eGrowcery FieldYellow Dog Field
Header_1, IdNumberTransaction Number
PLUs_1, LineNumberTransaction Line Number
Header_8, OrderCompletedCheck Closed
PLUs_3, UPCItem Number
PLUs_4, DescriptionItem
If PLUs_9 (TaxExtn)=0 then PLU_5 (Sell); if PLUs_9< > 0 then (PLU10-PLU9)/PLU6 (LineExtn - TaxExtn)/QuantityItem Retail
PLUs_6, QuantityQuantity
Finalizer_2, PaymentTypeTender

Item Data

eGrowcery FieldYellow Dog Field
Product NameWeb Properties Title, else Item Description
Product DescriptionWeb Properties Short Description, else Item Description
Sell PriceItem Retail 1
Cost PriceCalculated Cost
Special PriceWeb Properties Sale Price
Is ActiveWeb Properties Send to Web, Active/Inactive, Removed/Not Removed
Tax Level 1Interface - eGrowcery Tax Level1
Tax Level 2Interface - eGrowcery Tax Level2
Tax Level 3Interface - eGrowcery Tax Level3
Tax Level 4Interface - eGrowcery Tax Level4
Tax Level 5Interface - eGrowcery Tax Level5
Dept NoLevel 1 Code
Dept NameLevel 1 Description
Sub Dept NoLevel 2 Code
Sub Dept NameLevel 2 Description
Active DateItem Created Date
Last SoldMost Recent TPTransaction.CheckClosed Date, else Item Created Date
Special Start DateWeb Properties Sale From
Special End DateWeb Properties SaleTo
Is WeightedInterface - eGrowcery Is Weighted
Is AlcoholInterface - eGrowcery Is Alochol
Is TobaccoInterface - eGrowcery Is Tobacco

System Codes

Yellow Dog pulls in the following Codes that create interface options in the AccountingOther section of Yellow Dog:

  • IsAlcohol Y/N

  • IsTobacco Y/N

  • isWeighted Y/N

  • Tax Levels

Additional Information


  1. eGrowcery has a separate FTP per location for the same site so separate syncs will need to be configured per eGrowcery location.

  2. The integration does not allow for the the ability to push on hands.

  3. eGrowcery does not provide returns or discount data in the sales files provided to Yellow Dog and therefore are not supported.

  4. Due to the way that Item Retail is calculated potential rounding issues for weighted items are possible due to the decimal places used to divide the extended line item price.


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