
Yellow Dog’s integration with Management One is a one-way accounting data push from Yellow Dog to Management One’s API, used for Open To Buy forecasting in the Management One ERP system.

We send a series of Periods rolled up to the current day and overwrite the thirdparty data on each push.

Sync Approach

Yellow Dog’s ManagementOneConsole application exports accounting data to zip files that are then uploaded to https://www.retailorbit.com/api/skudata/upload.

Customers can review data in YDInv via the Standard Reports \ ManagementOne \ Item Data report.

Sync Frequency

The sync is scheduled to run one time daily, after midnight.

Configuration Options

The following configurations are not supported:

1. One instance of ManagementOne configured to two Yellow Dog Databases

2. Two or more Instances of ManagementOne configured to a single Yellow Dog Database

We only support one Yellow Dog Database to a single Instance of ManagementOne.

Requirements and Responsibilities


ManagementOne is responsible for providing the following to Yellow Dog for the customer:

  1. Client Code

  2. Client Guid

  3. Management One Locations

  4. ManagementOne Classes

  5. ManagementOne Departments


The Customer will be responsible for providing the following to Yellow Dog:

  1. ManagmentOne Location to Yellow Dog Store mapping.

  2. The Yellow Dog store that will be used for setting interfaces (ManagementOne Class and Department).

  3. The monthly Period start day for this integration; this is the number of days into each month the period will start.

  4. The number of Periods that should be exported at one time; the default will be to export the current Period’s data ONLY.

  5. Whether historical data will be required when we start pushing data, or if they want us to start with the current period only.

    1. i.e., do they need us to export any previous periods’ data for the initial export, after which we would go back to the setting established in #4 above.

  6. The number of OnOrder Periods to export. i.e., How many periods forward from today do we push OnOrder data for with each export?

    1. The Purchase Order Ship Date is the on order date used.

    2. This setting looks into the future; anything historical not yet received will be rolled up to the date it is run.

  7. The number of Historical OnOrder Periods to export. i.e., How many periods back from today do we push OnOrder data for with each export?

  8. Assigning ManagementOne Categories and Departments to Levels in YDInv interfaces.

Yellow Dog

Yellow Dog will be responsible for the following:

  1. Importing the Category and Department codes into the customer’s Yellow Dog database, in the store designated by the customer for interfaces.

  2. Installing, configuring, and scheduling Yellow Dog’s sync application on Yellow Dog’s hosted app server.

Data Exchange 

Yellow Dog exports the following data to ManagementOne based on the stores mapped to ManagementOne Location codes:

Yellow Dog FieldManagementOne FieldAdditional Information
PeriodStartDateKeyPeriodYYYYMM - 6 digit year month. period of the transaction. period the goods are expected to be recieved for On Order Data . Period must >= period of retail transactions
tore Attribute: ManagementOneLocationCodeLocationunique location identifier
ManagementOneClass (Interfaces)Classexcept when i.Dimension4 is not null then concat(i.Level,'/',i.Dimension4) else 'UNCLS'
ManagementOneDepartment (Interfaces)Department
Item DescriptionDescription
Vendor CodeVendor
TitalRetail + TotalDiscountSalesNet Retail Sales
StoreOnHand * TotalRetail
SUM((most recent Retail1 prior to the Period - Retail1 during the period) * StoreOnHand)MarkdownsInventory
StoreOnHand * ItemRetailInventory
(OnHandAdj * ItemRetail for manual adjustments) + (OnHandAdj * ItemRetail for physical inventories) InventoryAdjustment
OnHandAdj * ItemRetail for receiptsReceivingRetail
OnHandAdj * (CalculatedCost, else AppliedCost) for receiptsReceivingCost
OnHandAdj * ItemRetail for transfers out of a storeTransfersOut
OnHandAdj * ItemRetail for transfers into a storeTransfersIn
OnHandAdj * ItemRetail for returns to vendorReturnsRetail
OnHandAdj * (CalculatedCost, else AppliedCost) for returns to vendorReturnsCost
QuantityOnOrder * ItemRetailOnOrderRetail
QuantityOnOrder * VendorPriceOnOrderCost


  • Unit data is not in scope for this integration (9/18/24)

  • InTransit data is not in scope for this integration (9/18/24)

  • The report in YDInv (ManagementOne \ Inventory Data) is intended to be run for a single period only (9/18/24)

  • Markdowns Inventory will NOT include price adjustments that correlate to negative on hands (9/18/24)