
Change Management refers to a formal process for making changes to IT systems. The goal of change management is to increase awareness and understanding of proposed changes across an organization and ensure that all changes are made in a thoughtful way that minimize negative impact to services and customers


The purpose of this policy is to define rules and requirements for any change to Yellow Dog Software’s Database Hosting Servers and/or software therein. These rules and requirements are designed to minimize potential downtime in the event a change must be made.


This policy applies to all changes to architectures, tools and IT Services provided by Yellow Dog Software. Modifications made to non-production systems (such as testing environments with no impact on production IT Services) are outside the scope of this policy.


Any change to Yellow Dog Services must follow a structured process to ensure appropriate planning and execution.

Any changes made to the Yellow Dog hosting environment, whether hardware or software, must be documented, planned and approved by the Yellow Dog IT Staff.

Affected customers must be notified via email, to the approved customer contact 2 weeks before any changes are made which would result in downtime for a customer.