
The integration with Club Prophet supports a 1-way integration.

Sync Approach

Yellow Dog Inventory processes sales data from Club Prophet using our Generic Sync interface. Sales files are generated and sent to a local folder where Yellow Dog’s Generic Sync Interface will pick up and process.

Items sold can then be mapped to recipes in Yellow Dog in order to deplete inventory.

Sync Frequency

The sales file is generated manually by the user. We recommend pulling sales daily. For example, every morning running the export for the day before.

Our Generic Sync interface will pick up the sales file when it is provided. This pick up frequency will be configured based on the client confirmation of when they plan to generate the file.


Yellow Dog Implementation will need to configure and run the sync from a location that has access to the folder where sales files will be generated.



In order for sales to be provided to Yellow Dog, the Client is responsible for generating the sales export.

Recipes in Yellow Dog must be mapped to the correct POS items in order to report to the correct inventory items.

POS Partner

The POS partner is responsible for configuring the YellowDogExt and training the client to run the export.

Data Exchange and Mapping

Sales Data

We pull in the following Sales summary from Club Prophet:

Club Prophet FieldYellow Dog Field
Transaction IDTransactionNumber
Item NameItem Description
Unit RetailItemRetail
Revenue Center IDRevenue Center

Additional Information


  1. Yellow Dog is not provided transaction level detail in the sales file

  2. Discount and return detail is not provided.