
The Coretech integration pulls item creation and updates from Yellow Dog’s API while posting transaction detail to deplete inventory.

Sync Approach

This interface contains two elements;

  • Coretech’s sync appication to pull item data and post transctions to Yellow Dog’s API

  • Yellow Dog’s Process Sales application that will run to process the transactions posted to the API for reporting and to deplete inventory accordingly.

Sync Frequency

The frequency of the sync is controlled by Coretech.

Our Process sales application will be schedule to run hourly.


It is unknown if multiple instances of Coretech are supported against a single Yellow Dog Database.


For existing Yellow Dog Clients new to Coretech

Assigning Coretech codes to items is the only thing needed to begin.

For existing Coretech clients, new to Yellow Dog

  1. Coretech will provide an export of items

  2. The Yellow Dog Implementation Guide and the client will need to work on filling out necessary inventory data elements not provided from Coretech before importing into Yellow Dog

  3. Coretech will remove all items and pull fresh from Yellow Dog after configurations are complete



The client will need to work with Yellow Dog in ensuring items are properly configured and assigned to the correct levels.

POS Partner


Yellow Dog

Yellow Dog will need to provide the following to Coretech:

  • Client ID

  • Username

  • Password


POS Partner

The POS Partner is responsible for setting up their sync’s frequency.

Yellow Dog

Yellow Dog is repsonsible for setting up the Process Sales Application.

Data Exchange

Sales Data

Coming soon

Item Data

The following data is pulled by Coretech:

Coretech FieldYellow Dog FieldCreated in Coretech First
PriceRetail 1No

System Codes

Coretech FieldYellow Dog Field
SalesItemCategoryInterface Settings > CTSSalesItemCategory

Workflows - Where Performed

Coming Soon

Workflows - Action in POS result in Yellow Dog

Coretech ActionYellow Dog Inventory Result
Item ReturnedReturn is processed in Yellow Dog
Item Voided No Change
Previous Check Voided No Change
User Created Item in Coretech, not in YDOnce sold, the item will as (unassigned) in POS Only Sales reports
User Changed Item Detail in Coretech, not in YD Changes will be overwritten to what is in Yellow Dog during next sync
Item is sold in Coretech that is removed in YD Sale is processed and assigned to the item as normal; item in YD may be un-removed because on hand has changed. Inventory will be depleted.
Item sold in Coretech that is Inactive in YD Sale is processed and assigned to the item as normal. Inventory will be depleted.
Item DeletedWhen a change to the item occurs in Yellow Dog, it will be repushed

Additional Information
