
Yellow Dog Software handles all customer data in a secure fashion, and when customers decide to terminate our services, we handle that with the utmost care and privacy.


The purpose of this policy is to define rules and requirements when removing customer data and information from our systems, and if requested, to provide copies of that data to customers for archiving or conversion processes. 


This policy applies to all Yellow Dog Software Hosted Servers and Yellow Dog Software’s Internal File Storage System.


  • Data is only to ever be stored on storage mediums that have been certified as secure and reliable by Yellow Dog IT.

  • Data removal must be authorized by the customer and planned via Yellow Dog IT Staff for proper documentation.

  • If Requested, a copy of the customers data can be provided via the customers preferred file upload methods.

  • Data uploads will consist of a copy of the database upon confirmation of signed termination agreement, and a copy of the Client Folder containing the log files from usage on the server. Yellow Dog Software applications will be removed from this archive prior to upload.

  • Once the removal is completed, the data is no longer recoverable through any means. A complete removal report is available upon request.