
With our 2-way Integration with GolfPro, Yellow Dog pulls sales and codes from GolfPro while pushing new and changed items to the POS.

Sync Approach

Yellow Dog Inventory will push any new or edited items and definitions into the GolfPro database as well as pull all sales, returns, and update definition settings in Yellow Dog.

Sync Frequency

The sync can be scheduled as often as every 30 minutes or as seldom as once a day, although by default, it will be run at the top of every hour during business hours.




We will need the following access in order for the interface to work correctly:

  • Communication with the GolfPro (database) server from the YDI database server.

    • If Yellow Dog is hosting your database, we will need access to the GolfPro server through a port we will specify during set up.

    • If you are self-hosted, the two servers will need to talk through port 1433, or another port, if preferred.

  • Remote access to the GolfPro server in order to set up our synchronization tool.

    • Temporary Administrator access to install and configure the sync application on the GolfPro server. Most of the time, this application will be installed in the folder: D:\GolfPro\YellowDogInventory_[SiteName]\

    • Log-in credentials to the GolfPro database with read/write privileges. This is a low-level login to the database that our sync application will use.

POS Partner

Provide Yellow Dog with GolfPro database credentials with read/write privileges as well as Administrative access to install and configure the sync.

.Net framework v 4.6.2+ needs to be installed on the GolfPro database server in order for our sync to run.

Yellow Dog Software

The following information is necessary for all set-ups prior to full configuration of Yellow Dog Inventory's interface with GolfPro:

  • A complete list of Outlet names and numbers that will contain retail inventory.

  • A complete list of Categories that will be used for retail items.

  • We will also need to know which items will have Required Comments, be Open, and/or Commissionable.

Access to the GolfPro server is required to set up the sync. Communication between the GolfPro and Yellow Dog database servers is also required.




POS Partner


Yellow Dog Software


Data Exchange and Mapping

Sales Data


Item Data

Golf Pro FieldYellow Dog Field
PINACTIVEItem Active/Inactive and Removed/Not Removed
OINACTIVEStore availability
PDESCRIPTPOS Description 1
PCOSTCalculated Cost
PQTYOn Hand (Total)
OPQTYOn Hand (Store)
OOUTLET / OutletGolfProOUTLET (interface)
PCATEGORY / CategoryGolfProCATEGORY (interface)
PCOMMENTS / Requires CommentsGolfProPCOMMENTS (interface)
POPENITEM / Open ItemGolfProPOPENITEM (interface)
PREQCOMM / Commissionable ItemGolfProPREQCOMM (interface)
PSUPPLIERVendor Description
PTAX1GolfProPTAX1 (interface - AccountingOther)
PTAX2GolfProPTAX2 (interface - AccountingOther)
PTAX3GolfProPTAX3 (interface - AccountingOther)

System Codes


Additional Information


SKU length limit is 8.

Other Notes

SyncYDIWithGolfPro can connect to the database using a SQL login.

SyncYDIWithGolfPro must run on the GolfPro database server.

If an item is deleted or made unavailable to a store, the sync will remove barcodes from the item in GolfPro, rendering the item unscannable.