
Yellow Dog's 2-way interface with Maestro uses our Generic Sync application to export item detail and process sales files to deplete inventory.

Sync Approach

Yellow Dog Inventory will export an item file to an agreed upon location and pick up daily sales files to deplete inventory using our Generic Sync Application.

The Yellow Dog Generic Sync configuration will need to be installed in a location with access to picking up the sales files from Maestro.

Sync Frequency

Maestro will provide a daily sales file after the night audit has ran.

The Yellow Dog Generic Sync application can be scheduled to run at any frequency but will only pick up sales files once they are provided.


POS Partner

Maestro will need to confirm the client is using version 5.6.152 .001 of their software and will be responsible for configuring the sales export and item import. The sales export will be configured as a daily file that will be exported after their night audit has ran.

Yellow Dog

Yellow Dog will be required for installing and scheduling the Generic Sync.



Client will need to provide the Revenue Center codes that match the stores in Yellow Dog.

Data Exchange and Mapping

Sales Data

The following sales data is provided in the export from Maestro and will be mapped to the corresponding fields in Yellow Dog.

Maestro FieldYellow Dog Field
TypeTransaction Type
DateTransaction Date
TimeTransaction Time
RevenueCenterIdRevenue Center Code
Item IdPOS Item Number
TransactionIDTransaction Number
TransactionLineIDTransaction Line ID
QuantityQuantity Sold
Unit RetailItem Retail
Unit DiscountItem Discount
Discount DescriptionDiscount Description
ItemPOS Item Description
EmployeeIdEmployee Name

Additional Information


  1. Descriptions have a max character length of 30

  2. ItemId (Yellow Dog SKU) has a max character length of 12

  3. Only one UPC per item is accepted in Maestro.