
Yellow Dog Inventory can provide a 2-way integration (push in items and process sales) with Oracle Hosted Simphony 2.9+ Premier or Standard.  

Sync Approach

Yellow Dog pushes item data and pulls code using Simphony’s API. Simphony exports sales file that Yellow Dog reads to deplete inventory.

The sync can be run from any location where it can also reach the API.


Yellow Dog can be scheduled to create and update items to the API at any any interval. By default this is set to be done hourly.

Sales exports are provided form Simphony once per day.



Net 4.6.2 must be installed where the sync will run.

POS Partner

Each Simphony database location will have to be configured to generate the standard daily GLID file and publish to an ftp location. This location, agreed upon by Oracle/Micros, Yellow Dog Software, and the customer, is where the GLID will be picked up by the sync application. In most cases, Yellow Dog Software can provide this ftp location.

  • Access to transaction services from the POS is not required.

Yellow Dog

In order to push items to and pull code data from the API, we require the following:

  • Security Service URL

  • Data Service URL

  • EMC User

    • User must have a minimum of the permissions selected below:


  • EMC Password

  • Revenue Center Codes: This will be 3 separate numbers separated by a space, for example "14 1 10": 14 is the Enterprise, 1 is the Property, and 10 is the Revenue Center.

  • A list of all Reporting Groups and NLU Groups.

Pulling Codes

The Yellow Dog interface pulls multiple Simphony codes into Yellow Dog to enable full menu item configuration prior to pushing items into Simphony. The different code types are as follows:

  • Existing menu items (not created in Yellow Dog)

    • This insures that Yellow Dog does not overwrite any pre-existing menu items. These are stored as “Used Codes”.

  • Enterprise/Property/Revenue Center codes.

    • Zone configuration is retrieved manually via SimphonyApp

  • Major Groups

  • Family Groups

  • Menu Item Classes

Pushing Menu Items

The Yellow Dog interface can be configured to push menu items into Simphony in a variety of combinations. Please review these configuration options below with your Oracle team and Yellow Dog Implementation Guide:

  • Pushing Menu Items to Enterprise, Property, or Zone*.

  • Pushing Menu Item Definitions to Enterprise, Property, or Zone*.

  • Pushing Menu Item Prices to Enterprise, Property, Zone*, or Revenue Center.

  • Pushing Menu Item Barcodes to Enterprise, Property, Zone*, or Revenue Center.

    *Zones are supported for Yellow Dog Inventory v376 and higher.



The client will provide the Revenue Center mapping for the stores created in Yellow Dog.

If the client has a preference for a Starting Number range that will need to be provided to Yellow Dog otherwise a default starting range of 8500000 will be used.

POS Partner


Yellow Dog


Data Exchange and Mapping

Sales Data

The original Simphony sales files were summary files that did not contain transaction level detail: no Transaction Numbers or transaction Check Closed DateTimes (all items in the file share the same CheckClosed DateTime based on the date provided in the header). The sales export can be configured to export transaction level data, which is the recommended configuration for this integration as it provides more detail and makes troubleshooting easier/possible, when necessary. We require the following record types to be included in the file in order to pull transaction level details:

  • COTD

  • CMI

  • CTND

  • CDSC

  • CTAX

NOTE the following:

  • The Simphony Summary sales files do not contain transaction specific details like Transaction Numbers or Check Closed DateTime.

  • Simphony Transaction Level Detail files

    • are REQUIRED to support Price Levels

    • combine tax and retail; as a result

      • we are unable to provide tax detail for accounting purposes, and

      • ItemRetail includes tax when sales are pulled in

    • do not provide a way to get item discounts; we have to divide the total discount across all of the items in the check.

The standard GLID export files are .txt files within a .zip folder.

Summary Files-provided once per day, per store

Simphony GLID Export Field Yellow Dog Field
[GLID_1]_[MID_3] (Store Number_Menu Item Number) Transaction Number
N/A Transaction Line Number
GLID_4 (Last Business Day) Check Closed
MID_3 (Menu Item Number) Item Number
MID_4 (Menu Item Name) Item
[MID_7]/[MID_6] (Sales Total/Sales Count) Item Retail
[MID_8]/[MID_6] (Discount Total/Sales Count) Item Discount
N/A Discount Description
MID_6 Quantity
TAX_3 (Tax Name) Tax-Name
TAX_5 (Tax Collected Total) Tax-Value
TND_3 (Tender Name) Tender-Name
TND_5 (Total) Tender-Value

Transaction Level Detail Files- provided once per day, per store

Simphony GLID Export Field Yellow Dog Field
CHDR_1 (Simphony RVC) Store
CMI_3 (Guest Check Number) Transaction Number
CMI_35 (Line Number) Transaction Line Number
CHDR_7 (Transaction Date Time) Check Closed
CMI_5 (Menus Item Number) Item Number
CMI_3 (Menu Item name 1) Item
CMI_60/CMI_61 (Line Tota/Line Count) Item Retail
CDSC_49 (Discount Line Total) Item Discount
CDSC_3 (Discount Name) Discount Description (will be trimmed to 256 characters if the provided data is over 256 characters)
CMI_61 (Line Count) Quantity
CMI_25 (Transaction Employee Number) EmployeeNumber
CMI_23+CMI_24 (Transaction Employee Name+Transaction Employee Last Name) Employee Name
CTND_3 Tender Media Name Tender (will be trimmed to 256 characters if the provided data is over 256 characters)
CMI_51 (Is Void Flag) Reference
CMI_18 (User Workstation Number) Register Number
CMI_17 (User Workstation Name) RefgisterName
CTND_3 (Tender Media Name) Tender-Name
CTND_42 (Line Total) Tender-Value

Item Data

Simphony Field Yellow Dog Field
ObjectNumber Item Number (Micros Number)
MenuItemName POS Description 1
MajorGroup Micros Major Group
FamilyGroup Micros Family Group
ReportGroup Micros Reporting Group
HierarchyID Revenue Center
FirstName POS Description 1
SecondName POS Description 2
MenuItemClass Micros Class
SLU Micros SLU
NLUGroup Micros NLU Group
HierarchyID Revenue Center
PriceSequence Retail 1
PrepCost Calculated Cost
ObjectNumber Item Number (Micros Number)
Code UPC, else 0
MasterObjectNumber Item Number (Micros Number)
DefinitionSequence Retail

System Codes

Simphony Field Yellow Dog Field
Major Group Micros Major Group
Family Group Micros Family Group
Menu Item Class Micros Class
Menu Item Number (Object Number) Item Number

Actions in Yellow Dog - Result in Simphony

Yellow Dog Action Result in Simphony
Item Inactived No changes pushed to POS item at all
Item Removed No changes pushed to POS item at all
Level is Changed Only change occurs if item inherits new interface codes if assigned to level in YD
Item has Publish set to "Yes", POS Available set to "True", and is available to the Store New items and changes to existing items are updated
Publish set to "No" No changes pushed to POS item at all
POS Available set to "False" No changes pushed to POS Item at all
Uncheck availabity to one store No changes pushed to POS Item at all
No longer available to any store No changes pushed to POS Item at all

Actions in Simphony - Result in Yellow Dog

Simphony Action Result in Yellow Dog
Item Returned The quantity sold for the item for the day is adjusted on the Simphony side, YD pulls in the quantity in the file
Item Voided The quantity sold for the item for the day is adjusted on the Simphony side, YD pulls in the quantity in the file
Previous Check Voided The quantity sold for the item for the day is adjusted on the Simphony side, YD pulls in the quantity in the file
Change items in POS only YD will overwrite the changes to the item made in the POS the next time a change is made to the item in Yellow Dog and pushed over
When an item in YD is removed and then sold at POS Sale is processed and assigned to the item as normaal; Item in YD will be un-removed because on hand changed
When an item in YD is inactive and then sold Sale is processed and assigned to the item as normal

Additional Information


  • Requires 2.10.1 Hot Fix 5 or newer. This hot fix along with per system configuration updates are required.

  • Yellow Dog support will need to be provided an EMC password every 90 days in order for the sync to continue to operate.

  • The import of new items can take a considerable amount of time.  Initial loads need to be carefully scheduled and planned.

  • The Simphony summary sales files do not contain transaction specific details like Transaction Numbers or Check Closed Date Time.

  • The sales files are only provided ONCE per day.

  • The sales files are generated by a process that is controlled by Oracle.  They will need to provide the information regarding when these files will be generated and if they can be delivered by a certain time after an end of day process has occurred.  

  • The export of the sales files needs to be configured on the primary server provided by Oracle.  It cannot come from any redundant servers.

  • Barcode length is limited to 12 digits in Simphony.

  • The Yellow Dog Simphony integration does not delete barcodes from Simphony. Any barcodes deleted in Yellow Dog will need to be removed from Simphony manually.

  • Ability to pull menu classes or codes from a different level (enterprise, property, revenue center or zones) than where we are pushing to is not supported.

  • Different item numbers per store at the Enterprise level is not supported.

  • We pull codes from Enterprise only (7/31/2023)

  • Zones are only supported with Yellow Dog Inventory v376 and higher. (8/15/24)

  • We do not push Quantity Value

  • Simphony Transaction Level Detail files (5/29/24)

    • are REQUIRED to support Price Levels

    • combine tax and retail; as a result

      • we are unable to provide tax detail for accounting purposes, and

      • ItemRetail includes tax when sales are pulled in

    • do not provide a way to get item discounts; we have to divide the total discount across all of the items in the check.

  • Yellow Dog can only support Price Levels (5/29/24)

    • in a one-way integration with Simphony (i.e., sales pull) ONLY

    • via POS Item Mapping (i.e., no matching on ItemNumber or SKU; all pos items must be mapped in POS Item Map)

    • if sales have NOT already been pulled in to the Yellow Dog database from Simphony

      • if sales HAVE been pulled in from Simphony previously, Yellow Dog will need to remove all of the old Simphony2 codes from POS Item Map, and customer will need to map all of the new codes with price level appended.

Other Notes



The sync can be run from any location where it can reach the agreed-upon ftp location and the API, if it is being used as a two-way sync).

.Net 4.6.2 will need to be installed wherever the sync is run.

We will install our sync application along with NewtonSoft.Json.dll.

To see the specifications for other versions of Micros, use the links below:

Price Levels

*Price levels are available in sync v2023.10.05.375 and higher. As a default setting this is disabled*

Price Levels requires POS Item Mapping to be utilized, and Transaction Type ‘Detail’ is also required to use Price Levels. When price levels are enabled, the POS Item Number will be appended with the price level associated with the sale. This allows the customer to map specific recipes to the POS Item Number based on the Price Level.

Ex. POS Item Number 1234, if assigned to price level 1 in the sales file, the POS Item Number will be 1234_1

Note: If this is enabled at a site that has been pulling sales without using this previously, it will be a breaking change. Yellow Dog will need to remove all of the old Simphony2 codes from the POS Item Map and customer will need to map all of the new codes with price level appended

Stand Dog & Bloodhound- Operating on Micros POS Terminal


Stand Dog (Concession Count In/Count Out) Mobile App for Browser

The Stand Dog mobile app for browser can be launched/operated from the Micros POS Terminal (Windows 10 OS).

Demo Movie: Here

Instructions and needed dll is here.

Bloodhound (Retail Item Lookup) Mobile App for Browser

The Bloodhound mobile app for browser can be launched/operated from the Micros POS Terminal (Windows 10 OS).