
Yellow Dog's 2-Way integration with Nextep pulls sales from Nextep’s API and exports items to a .csv for Nextep to consume.

Sync Approach

This interface contains one element:

  • Yellow Dog’s SyncYdiWithNextep to pull sales and create the item export.

Sync Frequency

This sync can be scheduled to run at any frequency but will be schedule to run hourly by default.


This integration does not support multiple RVCs per Yellow Dog Store.

Each item file exported by Yellow Dog is for one RVC. The file format is as follows:

  • csv, tab delimited with headers

  • File Name - [yyMMddHHmmss]_[LocationName]



The client will need to provide:

  • Mapping between Nextep Location Number and Yellow Dog Stores

  • Confirmation of description fields to be used for Butotn Text and Kitchen Text in Nextep

  • Confirmation whether or not pre-existing items exist in Nextep

POS Partner

The POS Partner will need to provide:

  • CompanyId

  • API Key

  • FTP location for dropping item export


POS Partner

Configuration of their item import process and confirmation of frequency.

Data Exchange

Codes Pull

Item Data

Each file export is for one RVC with all new, updated and triggered items included.

Nextep FieldYellow Dog Field
Nextep Item or ModItem / Mod
Nextep Is Lookup OnlyTrue / False
Nextep FieldYellow Dog Field Additional Detail
Button TextUses selection from button Text DropdownOptions: Description, POS Description 1, POS Description 2, Short Description
Kitchen TextUses selection from button Text DropdownOptions: Description, POS Description 1, POS Description 2, Short Description
PriceRetail 1
Item Or ModInterface - Nextep Item or ModDefaults to Item if not set in YD
IsLookupOnlyInterface - Nextep Is Lookup OnlyDefaults to False if not set
attrvalue0UPC1limit one UPC per item in Nextep

In order for an item to push to InforPOS the following must be configured:

  • Publish=Yes

  • Available to Store

  • Is not POS Blocked

  • Is not removed

Sales Data

Nextep FieldYellow Dog Field
Order.OrderNumberTransaction Number
[SyncYdiWithNextep increments this automatically]Transaction Line Number
OrderItem.ItemPrice / OrderItem.ItemQuantityItem retail (OrderItem.itemPrice is calculated by dividing by the quantity sold)
Order.DiscountItemDiscount (dividied by all items in order)
OrderItem.CashierIDEmployee Number
Based on value in Order.IsVoid/IsRefund/IsRemakeReference
Order.IsRefund=1; OrderItem.IsRefund=1Returns
Order:isvoid=1; OrderItem.IsVoid=1Void

Additional Information


  1. Nextep has a limit of 1 UPC per item

  2. This integration does not support mulitple RVCs per YD store because each export file for each store is created wiht the RVC code in the file name