
Yellow Dog's 2-way interface with Roller supports the ability to pull sales data and push in new or changed items to Roller. Yellow Dog pulls codes, locations and sales from Roller’s API via our RollerConsole application, and can also push item data to the API.

Sync Approach

This interface contains two elements:

  • Our Roller Console pulls sales from Roller via webook and the console processes sales data, pulls codes, and pushes new items and updates via the Roller API.

  • Locations are mapped to Yellow Dog stores via our Balto Application.

Sync Frequency

By default the sync is scheduled to run hourly. Additional scheduling options are available upon request.


Configuration Options

The Roller integration supports two configurations. Please consult with your Yellow Dog Implementation Guide to determine the appropriate option for your business need.

  • 1 Way Sales Pull Only

  • 2 Way Sales Pull and Item Push

For Multi-unit operators, a separate sync will need to be installed for each venue. Multiple Roller Locations per Yellow Dog Store are supported for both the one-way and the two-way for this integration.

Requirements & Onboarding Needs

POS Partner

The POS Partner will need to provide the following detail to the Yellow Dog Integrations Team:

  • VenueID

  • Roller API ClientID

  • Roller API ClientSecret


The client will need to inform Yellow Dog of any reporting categories or tax names that need to be assigned. The Yellow Dog Console program will need internet access to exchange information with the Roller API. If the Yellow Dog database is not hosted by Yellow Dog Software, there may be additional firewall rules or port configurations necessary to facilitate communication.

Clients will be charged by Roller for API calls per month. We suggest a baseline of 25,000 API calls for 10,000 items per month.

Yellow Dog

Yellow Dog will configure the webhook and Roller console. This integration requires a Yellow Dog version of 375 or higher.

Data Exchange and Mapping

Sales Data

We pull in the following sales data:

Roller FieldYellow Dog Field
POS Device IDRevenue Center

Item Data

Yellow Dog pushes the following item details:

Roller FieldYellow Dog Field
option for productName and/or itemNameDescription
option for productName and/or itemNamePOS Description 1
option for productName and/or itemNamePOS Description 2
option for productName and/or itemNameShort Description
option for productName and/or itemNameWeb Short Description
CostItem Retail
External Id (SKU in Roller's UI; scannable at the POS)SKU
reportingCategoryInterface: Roller Reporting Category
taxCodeInterface: Generic Level A (Tax Codes)

Item Configuration

The following is required to push items to Roller

  • Publish=Yes

  • POS Block=0 (False)

  • Active

  • Not Removed

  • Available to Store(s)

  • Retail price must be set in the interfaces store (can be $0 but not blank)

Workflows - Where Performed

WorkflowYellow Dog InventoryRoller POS
Create Retail POS ItemsDone Only in Yellow Dog
Create Stadium Stand POS ItemsDone Only in Yellow Dog
Create Menu Item Done Only in Yellow Dog
Modifer Creation Done Only in Roller
Modifer Assignment to Items Done Only in Roller
Screen Placement for Items Done Only in Roller
Discount SetupDone Only in Roller
Discount AssignmentDone Only in Roller
Tax SetupDone Only in Roller
Tax AssignmentYellow Dog can assign Taxes to the Item or Level (All Items in a Level will inherit)
Reporting Category SetupDone Only in Roller
Reporting Category Assignment Yellow Dog can assign Reporting Categories to the Item or Level (All Items in a Level will Inherit)

Actions in Yellow Dog - Result in Roller

Yellow Dog Inventory ActionSquare Result
Item CreatedPushes to Roller if requirements are met
Item Edited or UpdatedPushes to Roller if requirement are met
Item InactivatedItem changes will not push
Item RemovedItem changes will not push
Level Is ChangedMay change Interface Code depending on Interface configuration in YD
Item has POSDescription 1, Publish set to "Yes", POS Available set to "True" and has a Retail Price setItem will push
Publish set to "No"Item in Roller is untouched and no changes made to the item in YD will affect the item in Square
POS available set to "False"The item in Roller is untouched and no changes made to the item in YD will affect the item in Roller

Additional Information


  1. Item descriptions have a 75 character limit. (8/23)

  2. ROLLER only supports 1 barcode per item. (8/23)

  3. If more than one item has the same name (including matrix items) this will cause a duplicate in Roller. (8/23)

  4. Items cannot have different retail prices per location. (8/23)