
Yellow Dog can provide a 1-Way integration with the SimphonyBI Console.

*Minimum Requirements: Oracle Simphony R&A v 20.1.6, Yellow Dog v 375, Simphony BI Agreement with Oracle

Sync Approach

The one-way integration uses a sales pull + code pull for locations and items based on the POS Item Mapping via API.

Yellow Dog can also support items that were pushed by the SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted integration.


The use of multiple POS instances setup with a single Yellow Dog database has not been tested. Our sync does support the use of multiple RVCs per store.

Sync Frequency

The sync can be set to run as often as every 15 minutes depending on venue needs.


In order to utilize the YD+Simphony BI Console integration, Net 6.0 must be installed on the server, and client must be using Yellow Dog version 375 or higher. A Simphony BI Agreement with Oracle is also required.

POS Partner

Prior to installation beginning the following information must be provided to Yellow Dog: siteId, apiUrl, urlBaseId, clientID, username, password, orgName.


The customer must have a specific Simphony BI licensing agreement with Oracle and should work with their Oracle Sales or Reseller in order to ensure if their Simphony environment meets the minimum environment requirements and whether they can proceed with configuration an API account or first need to engage with Sales to acquire the required licensing prior to moving forward.

How will sales will be matched to YD Items?

  • Options are SKU, Barcode, Item (mapping the items in Balto), or POS Item Mapping if the site is ONLY pulling sales from Simphony and NOT pushing items via SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted; If items are pushing to Simphony2 via SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted, TpCodeSet.ItemNumber should be used to match sales to YD items

Revenue Center Mappings: Confirm which LocationId from Simphony should be mapped to which Stores in Yellow Dog

Yellow Dog and Client

Login to Simphony R&A portal to get the apiUrl (this is the URL preceding "/portal").

Create new Simphony BI API Account via the Oracle R&A Portal (Requires R&A login with access to the Administration section). The process of creating this account will be used to get the following required info:

  • urlBaseId

  • clientId

  • username

  • password

  • orgName

Yellow Dog

Yellow Dog will pull the siteID via testConnection. This is the location reference "locRef" in Simphony's system.

Prior to installation beginning the following information must be provided to Yellow Dog: siteId, urlBaseId, clientID, username, password, orgName.

Data Exchange

Sales Data

We pull in the following sales data:

Yellow Dog FieldSimphony Field
ClientSyncID "SimphonyBI"
Revenue CenterguestCheck.RvcNum
TransactionNumber guestCheck.GuestCheckId
Item ItemName
ItemRetail (always positive)"itemQuantity != 0 && itemTotal != 0 ? absItemTotal / absItemQuantity : absItemTotal;"
Source "SimphonyBI"
Reference"Void" / "Refund" / "Split from [OrderNumber]" / Reference
RegisterName n/a
ParentNumber converted of the item being modified when line item is a modifier
Order Status orderState
TaxInclusive n/a
Order Number guestCheck.ChkNum
Sales - General
Split Checkssupported
Line Discountssupported
Check DiscountsguestCheck.DscTtl.Value
Voids - Line Item item.VdFlag
Voids - Entire checkitem.VdFlag
Modifierswill have non-null TPTransaction.parentNumber
Tax n/a

Accounting Export Ability

This integration does not support the export of tender or tax data to an accounting system.

Workflows - Where Performed

WorkflowYellow Dog Inventory Simphony
Create POS ItemsIf using SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted to push items to Simphony see Simphony2 actions/workflows If NOT pushing items from YD via SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted, items will need to be created in POS and in YD for matching/mapping
Create Stadium Stand POS ItemsIf using SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted to push items to Simphony see Simphony2 actions/workflows If NOT pushing items from YD via SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted, items will need to be created in POS and in YD for matching/mapping
Create Menu ItemsIf using SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted to push items to Simphony see Simphony2 actions/workflows If NOT pushing items from YD via SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted, items will need to be created in POS and in YD for matching/mapping
Modifer CreationIf using SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted to push items to Simphony see Simphony2 actions/workflows If NOT pushing items from YD via SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted, items will need to be created in POS and in YD for matching/mapping
Modifer Assignment to Items If using SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted to push items to Simphony see Simphony2 actions/workflows If NOT pushing items from YD via SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted, items will need to be created in POS and in YD for matching/mapping
Screen Placement for ItemsIf using SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted to push items to Simphony see Simphony2 actions/workflows If NOT pushing items from YD via SyncYdiWithSimphony2/Hosted, items will need to be created in POS and in YD for matching/mapping
Discount Setupx
Discount Assignmentx
Tax Setupx
Tax Assignment x

Actions in Simphony - Result in Yellow Dog Inventory

Simphony ActionYellow Dog Inventory Result
Item ReturnedNo examples in test data, but expectation is that YD would have the quantity returned to inventory
Item Voided Quantity being returned to inventory
Previous Check Voided Quantity being returned to inventory
User Created Item in Simphony, not in YDItem will be available for POS Item Map/Balto Item mapping next time pullCodes is run whether it has been sold or not
Item deleted in Simphony None
Item sold in Simphony that is removed in YD Inventory will be decremented; item will stay be unremoved because on hand will no longer be zero.
Item sold in Simphony that is Inactive in YD Inventory will be decremented; item will stay inactive
Menu Item Sold at POSPopulates in YD POS Item Mapping
Menu Item Created at POSPopulates in YD POS Item Mapping
Modifier Sold at POSPopulates in YD POS Item Mapping
Modifier Created at POSPopulates in YD POS Item Mapping as long as it is an actual item with an ID

Additional Information


  1. Discount Descriptions are not provided

  2. EmployeName is not provided

  3. RegisterName is not provided

  4. Tender is not provided

  5. Sales will be pulled into Yellow Dog based on the day they are closed, regardless of when they were opened.

  6. Price Levels are NOT supported in this integration when pulling sales. (9/17/24)