
Yellow Dog's 1-way interface with Siriusware pulls sales data to reduce inventory based on transactions.

Sync Approach

Yellow Dog Inventory will pull sales from a .csv file on a provided SFTP server using our Sales Sync application. The Yellow Dog Sales Sync application can be configured to run from anywhere that has access to the sales file exports.

Sync Frequency

Siriusware will provide an hourly export of sales data that Yellow Dog will then consume and process.


POS Partner

Siriusware will need to configure the sales file export and set up the export service.

Yellow Dog

Yellow Dog will provide a FTP location for Siriusware to drop off files. Yellow Dog will schedule the Sales File Application.



Client will need to provide the Revenue Center codes that match the stores in Yellow Dog.

The Client will be responsible for mapping recipes and inventory items to items sold at the POS.

Data Exchange and Mapping

Sales Data

The following sales data is provided in the export from Siriusware and will be mapped to the corresponding fields in Yellow Dog.

Siriusware FieldYellow Dog Field
ItemidItem Number
ItemDescriptionItem Description
QuantitySoldQuantity Sold
unitcostItem Retail
DiscountAmountUnit Discount
datetimesoldCheck Closed
transnoTransaction Number
locationIdRevenue Center
salespointidRegister Name
operatoridEmployee Number