
The integration with Skytab Venue is a 1-Way interface where Yellow Dog Inventory pulls sales data and reduces inventory levels based on transactions from Shift4’s API using SyncYdiWithMicrosServices.

Sync Approach

Yellow Dog Inventory uses a micros services sync application to pulls sales data from Shift 4’s API.

Sync Frequency

The sync by default will be scheduled to run hourly.

Configuration Options

Sales from Skytab Venue to Yellow Dog can be mapped as follows:

  1. All sales will be mapped to a single storeid associated with the shift4RevenueCenterName

  2. Order Types are configured to represent revenue centers in Skytab Venue and then mapped to the corresponding stores in Yellow Dog.



The client will need to perform the installation request for Yellow Dog on Shift4’s marketplace. Once this is complete Yellow Dog will be provided needed

  • API permissions

  • Client Secret

  • Location IDs



The client is responsible for mapping items and recipes to Menu Items sold from Skytab Venue using POS Item Map to deplete inventory.

Yellow Dog

The Yellow Dog Implementation Guide will be responsible for setting up the API configuration and scheduling the SyncYDIwithMicroServices application.

Data Exchange and Mapping

Sales Data

We pull in the following data from Skytab Venue:

Skytab FieldYellow Dog Field
ticket orderNumberTransactionNumber
Generated by YDTransactionLineNumber
ticket closedAtCheckClosed
ticketitem itemRefItem Number
ticketItem itemRefSKU
ticketItem NameItem Description
ticketItem unitPriceItem Retail
ticketItem ticketItemDiscounts discount amountItem Discount
ticketItem ticketItemDiscounts discount nameDiscount Descripiton
ticketItemQuantityQuantity Sold
ticket closedByEmployeeRefEmployee Number
ticket closedByEmployeeEmployee Name
TenderTender (comma separated list when multiple)
When a modifier line, this field is populated with the Converted of the itemParent Number
Shift4_[RVC]_[TransactionNumber]Third Party ID
always 0x0Item Id
Shift4_[RVC]_[TransactionNumber]_[ItemNumber]; if a modifier, append parent item's converted with _Modifier[ItemNumber]Converted

If Transaction Detail is enabled in the API sync configuration in Yellow Dog, the sync will also pull in Tax and Tender data when available.

Additional Information

This integration supports the ability to map Unsold Menu items using the “Insert Unsold Menu Items” button in POS Item Mapping.


  1. Shift4’s API does not include Returns or Voids so they are not supported in this integration.

  2. Tax type is not provided so taxes will all be named “Default”

  3. There is no equivalent for Revenue Centers in SkyTab, so all sales will be mapped to a single storeid associated with the shift4RevenueCenterName unless Order Types are configured. (11/30/2023)