
The Integration with Toast supports a 1-Way sync where Yellow Dog retrieves sales data and reduces inventory.

Sync Approach

The intergration with Toast contains one element:

  • Yellow Dog’s SyncYDIwithToast application to pull sales’s from Toast’s API.

Sync Frequency

This sync can be scheduled to run at any frequency, but a daily pull after business hours is recommended.


This integration can support the following configurations options:

  1. Multiple Toast instances against a single Yellow Dog Database.

    • If using this configuration, separate Toast syncs must be configured per instance

    • if using this configuration, POS Item Mapping must be used for recipe depletion as matching sales based on SKU will not be supported.

  2. Pulling in sales by Toast Restaurant GUID or Toast Revenue Centers from the same GUID.

    • If Using Toast Revenue Centers, Yellow Dog will expect all sales transactions to be mapped to a Toast Revenue Center.

  3. Assigning price to both parent and modifier items.

    • If using this configuration, the “Concatenate Modifier” option in the sync must be enabled so the price can be mapped properly.



In order to start the integration process with Toast, an onboarding request must be submitted at Toasttab.com.

Any existing Toast items and modifiers may need to be reconfigured so that the proper item is listed in the sales information and can be mapped to reduce the correct inventory items.

Yellow Dog can review your setup prior to your acceptance of the proposal to identify what you and your Toast team will need to do to allow our inventory system to work properly.

POS Partner

The Toast Team will need to provide the Restaurant GUIDs via a LastPass.com locker.

Yellow Dog

The minimum version of Yellow Dog Inventory is v362. The sync requires .Net 4.6.2 installed wherever it is running from.



The client will be responsible for providing Yellow Dog store mapping to Toast Revenue Center if configured.

Additionally, the client is reponsible for mapping recipes and inventory items to menu items sold in Toast to deplete inventory.

Data Exchange and Mapping

Sales Data

We pull in sold Menu items and Modifiers that can be mapped to recipes using the POS Item Map.

Toast FieldYellow Dog Field
check displayNumberTransaction Number
toastItemIdItem Number
section displayNameItem
section preDiscountPriceRetail
selection preDiscountPrice-selection PriceItem Discount
check appliedDiscountsDiscount Description
selection quantityQuantity
toastOrder SourceRegister Number
toast Order sourceRegister Name

Additional Information

This integration supports multiple revenue center codes tied to a single Yellow Dog store.

This integration can also match sales based on SKU.

This integration is compatible with YDI version 372.


  1. Toast does charge a fee to the client for 3rd party access to their API. Please contact Toast for more information on the associated costs.

  2. Pulling in unsold menu and modifier items is not supported.