VenueNext 2-Way Integration
Last Updated 4/11/2024
Yellow Dog's 2-way interface with VenueNext supports the ability to pull sales data and push in new or changed items to VenueNext. Yellow Dog pulls codes from VenueNext’s API and can also push item data to the API via our VenueNextConsole application, and gets sales data from VenueNext via Kinesis Stream.
Sync Approach
This interface contains multiple elements:
VenueNext’s Kinesis Stream (similar to a webhook)
Yellow Dog’s Kinesis Stream (similar to a webhook) to capture sales data
Yellow Dog VenueNextConsole application that processes sales data, pulls codes and pushes new items and updates to VenueNext
Sync Frequency
Data from the Yellow Dog’s Kinesis Stream is retained for a 30 day rolling period (subject to change). Sales are published instantly from VenueNext’s Kinesis Stream to Yellow Dog’s Kinesis Stream.
The VenueNextConsole app is recommended to pull sales every 15 minutes.
For the item push and code pull elements, this frequency is controlled in Yellow Dog Inventory by the client. We recommend pushing one time daily during non-event hours.
The VenueNext integration can be configured for both
1 Way Sales Pull Only
2 Way Sales Pull and Item Push
For existing VenueNext Clients adding Yellow Dog (new Yellow Dog Client):
2 Way Sales Pull and Item Push requires Yellow Dog to be the source of record. All existing items in Canopy will need to be deleted by client / VN team
Yellow Dog will pull in locations, menus, display categories, report categories, main combo category and modifier groups for client to assign menu items in Yellow Dog.
Client will build out Menu Items and Modifiers in Yellow Dog
Yellow Dog will push all menu items into Canopy.
Any new items will be created in Yellow Dog, the client will run Sync manually via a button in their main Yellow Dog Inventory software application to push items over.
For existing YellowDog Clients who are also existing VenueNext Clients:
If other integrations are already in use in the Yellow Dog database, Yellow Dog recommends the following:
Converting to a 1 Way Approach
Deleting all items in VenueNext and rebuilding with the SKU as ItemNumber for item depletion
For new YellowDog Clients who are also new VenueNext Clients (no pre-existing data):
Client will build out locations, menus, display categories, report categories, main combo category and modifier groups in Canopy (NO MENU ITEMS)
Client will build out Menu Items and Modifiers in Yellow Dog
Yellow Dog will push all menu items into Canopy.
Any new items will be created in Yellow Dog, the client will run Sync manually via a button in their main Yellow Dog Inventory software application to push items over.
Requirements & Onboarding Needs
The client will need to provide a list of Tax Rates that they will want to be able to assign to items in Yellow Dog to push to VenueNext.
POS Partner
The POS Partner will need to provide the following detail to the Yellow Dog Integrations Team:
Venue UUID
Venue Organization Name
OAuth Endpoint
Stadium URL
The POS Partner is responsible for enabling the sales feed for each client from VenueNext’s Kinesis Stream to Yellow Dog’s. This may require ARN detail provided to the Yellow Dog Development Team.
Yellow Dog
Yellow Dog will be required for setting up the VenueNextConsole application and sales pull.
Yellow Dog requires .NET 6.0 installed on the server running the VenueNextConsole.
POS Partner
VenueNext will need to configure the following before Yellow Dog can begin training:
Display Categories
Modifier Groups
Report Categories
Once items have been created in Yellow Dog and pushed to VenueNext the remaining to do will be to assign Modifiers to Items in VenueNext.
The Client will be responsible for manually running the sync via a button in their main Yellow Dog Inventory software application to update and create new items.
Data Exchange and Mapping
Sales Data
The following sales data is provided is pulled in from VenueNext via the Kinesis Stream
VenueNext Field | Yellow Dog Field |
order.p.uuid | Transaction Number |
order.p.created_at | Check Closed - provided in UTC and converted by YD based on the revenue center's timezone |
line.sku | Item Number |
line.sku | SKU |
line.price | Item Retail | | Item |
Item Discount - calculated based on checkDiscount/qty | |
Quantity - assumed to either be 1 or -1 if refunded or removed | |
order.p.device_uuid | Register Number |
order.p.service_type | Register Name |
line.modified_line_item_uuid | Parent Number |
line.refunded_at or line.removed_at if not null | Reference |
Item Data
Venue Next Field | Yellow Dog Field |
Display Name | POSDescription1 or Description |
Price | Retail1 |
Available/NotAvailable | Active/Inactive |
Menu Availability | Sales Channel |
Display Categoryu | VNDisplayCategory1-___ (Interface) |
Main Combo Vateogry | VNMain ComboCategory1-___ (Interface) |
Modifier Group | VNModifier Group1-___ (Interface) |
Report Category | VNReport Category1-___ (Interface) |
Side Combo | VNSide Combo1-___ (Interface) |
Discountable (Y/N) | VNDiscountable (Interface) |
Alcohol/21+ (Y/N) | VNIs Alcohol (Interface) |
Modifier (Y/N) | VNIs Modifier (Interface) |
Combo Meal (Y/N) | VNIs Combo Meal (Interface) |
Service Charge Applicable (Y/N) | VNServiceChargeApplicable (Interface) |
Taxable (Y/N) | VNTaxable (Interface) |
Tax Inclusive (Y/N) | SVNTax Inclusive (Interface)KU |
Tax Rate | VNTaxRate (Interface) |
Item Configuration
The following is requried to push items to VenueNext
POS Block=0 (False)
Not Removed
Available to Store(s)
Available to Sales Channel
The following is required to update items in VenueNext:
POS Block=0 (False)
Not Removed
Available to Store(s)
Available to Sales Channel
Workflows - Where Preformed
Coming Soon
Actions In Yellow Dog - Result in Venue Next
Coming soon
Actions in Venue Next - Result in Yellow Dog
Coming soon
Additional Information
Yellow Dog Mobile Application Compatibility
Yellow Dog Software’s Stand Dog Android app is in the PAX Store and may be installed onto certified PAY Devices. The list of certified devices includes:
Other devices are under investigation including e800 and A920.
Steps to access the Stand Dog Application
If your SkyTab Venue has YellowDog’s Stand Dog application enabled, you can access it via the POS resources tab as demonstrated below. Please contact your Account Manager or Support to enable this Link for your account
1. Select Resources Tab from the admin side menu.
2. Select the Yellowdog Stand Dog Link
3. Wait approx. 10 seconds for the Stand Dog weblink to load to login. Enter your Venue Client ID, followed by User Name and Password to access your Stand Dog Event and Stands.
Data from the kinesis stream is only retained for up to 30 days. Data beyond those 30 days cannot be reaccessed or pulled into Yellow Dog. (10/31/2022)
Pushing UPCs is not supported by VenueNext (10/31/2022)
Only Retail1 is supported; Venue Next does not support different prices for the same item per sales channel (10/31/2022)
On Hand Push is not supported (10/31/2022)
Modifier Groups can only be assigned to modifiers; not to non-modifiers. Modifier to Menu Item assignment must be done in VenueNext (10/31/2022)
If a Location is configured to use Tabs in VenueNext, sales will not be available to Yellow Dog until after the configured Tab Closure time in VenueNext. Example if Tabs are scheduled to close at 3am the window for sales to be available to Yellow Dog may be between 3am-5am depending on number of Tabs to close (11/10/2022)
Pushing images from Yellow Dog to Venue Next is not supported (11/10/2022)
Removing Items Via the API is not supported (1/9/2023)
Yellow Dog does not “Delivery” service types. (3//18/2024)