
Yellow Dog’s 1-way interface with Venue Next supports the ability to pull sales data matching on SKU to deplete inventory.

Sync Approach

This interface contains multiple elements:

  • Yellow Dog’s Kinesis Stream (similar to a webhook) to capture sales data

  • Yellow Dog VenueNextConsole application that pulls codes (locationIds) and menu items (for mapping) and processes sales data

Sync Frequency

Data from the Yellow Dog’s Kinesis Stream is retained for a 30 day rolling period (subject to change). Sales are published instantly from VenueNext’s Kinesis Stream to Yellow Dog’s Kinesis Stream.

The VenueNextConsole app is recommended to pull sales every 15 minutes.


For clients adding VenueNext to an existing Yellow Dog database - all items will need to be deleted in Canopy and recreated using the Yellow Dog SKU.

For clients adding Yellow Dog to an existing Venue Next site - Yellow Dog will need an export from Canopy including the item number to create items in Yellow Dog..

Requirements & Onboarding Needs

POS Partner

The POS Partner will need to provide the following detail to the Yellow Dog Integrations Team:

  • Venue UUID

  • Venue Organization Name

  • App_Key

  • Device_Id

  • OAuth Endpoint

  • Stadium URL

The POS Partner is responsible for enabling the sales feed for each client from VenueNext’s Kinesis Stream to Yellow Dog’s. This may require ARN detail provided to the Yellow Dog Development Team.

The above information is required for both a 1 way and 2 way approach due to the need to pull in codes for Location IDs and items for mapping ahead of being sold in Yellow Dog’s POS Item Map.

Yellow Dog

Yellow Dog will be required for setting up the VenueNextConsole application and sales pull.

Yellow Dog requires .NET 6.0 installed on the server running the VenueNextConsole.


POS Partner

VenueNext will need to configure the following before Yellow Dog can begin training:

  • Locations

  • Menus

  • Display Categories

  • Modifier Groups

  • Report Categories


The client is responsible for providing an item export from Canopy to populate items in Yellow Dog for brand new Yellow Dog installs.

Data Exchange and Mapping

Sales Data

The following sales data is provided is pulled in from VenueNext via the Kinesis Stream

VenueNext FieldYellow Dog Field
order.p.uuidTransaction Number
order.p.created_atCheck Closed - provided in UTC and converted by YD based on the revenue center's timezone
line.skuItem Number
line.priceItem Retail
Item Discount - calculated based on checkDiscount/qty
Quantity - assumed to either be 1 or -1 if refunded or removed
order.p.device_uuidRegister Number
order.p.service_typeRegister Name
line.modified_line_item_uuidParent Number
line.refunded_at or line.removed_at if not nullReference

Workflows - Where Preformed

Coming Soon

Actions In Yellow Dog - Result in Venue Next

Coming soon

Actions in Venue Next - Result in Yellow Dog

Coming soon

Additional Information

Yellow Dog Mobile Application Compatibility

Yellow Dog Software’s Stand Dog Android app is in the PAX Store and may be installed onto certified PAX Devices. The list of certified devices includes:

  • e700

  • A923

Other devices are under investigation including e800 and A920.


  • Data from the kinesis stream is only retained for up to 30 days. Data beyond those 30 days cannot be re-accessed or pulled into Yellow Dog. (10/31/2022)

  • If a Location is configured to use Tabs in VenueNext, sales will not be available to Yellow Dog until after the configured Tab Closure time in VenueNext. Example if Tabs are scheduled to close at 3am the window for sales to be available to Yellow Dog may be between 3am-5am depending on number of Tabs to close (11/10/2022)

  • SKU in VenueNext is not an editable field so adding VenueNext integration to existing Yellow Dog needs to have all items removed from Canopy and rebuilt with the Yellow Dog SKU (10/26/2023).